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Los Angeles Better Buildings Challenge

The LABBC is an elite network of LA's top performing buildings, a collaborative forum where building owners and managers can share best practices, access personalized advisory services, and gain recognition for exceptional achievements.  The LABBC also staffs the City's Energy & Water Efficiency Resource Center, which is tasked with helping covered buildings navigate the Los Angeles Existing Buildings Energy and Water Efficiency Ordinance (EBEWE).

EBEWE requires property owners and managers to report their energy and water usage annually, and starting in 2020, covered buildings must also achieve certain energy and water efficiency targets or perform audits and retro-commissioning on a 5-year cycle.

BOMA/GLA and LABBC Partnership

BOMA/GLA is a proud partner of the LABBC. We collaborate and leverage resources with the goal of achieving deep water savings in our buildings.

The goal of the partnership is to:

  • Encourage participation in the BOMA's Waste Water (W2) Challenge through a targeted outreach and education campaign.
  • Partner on Educational Webinars
  • Share resources provided by the LABBC with BOMA/GLA members through newsletters and the website.

In addition, the LABBC provides BOMA/GLA members with:

  • No-cost resources and advisory services to BOMA/GLA members who take the W2 Challenge.
  • Case studies to highlight BOMA Members' efforts.

To learn more about the LABBC, visit their website at